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Eine Stadt im Elsass.



EventDescriptionHas event startDetails
Tournoi International de Jeu de Go de Strasbourg11th International Go Tournament of Strasbourg + 5th European Pro Qualification 20192019-05-18T12:30:00Strasbourg/2019
Tournoi International de Jeu de Go de Strasbourg10th International Go Tournament of Strasbourg2018-05-05T13:00:00Strasbourg/2018
Tournoi International de Jeu de Go de Strasbourg9th International Go Tournament of Strasbourg2017-05-20T13:00:00Strasbourg/2017
Tournoi International de Jeu de Go de Strasbourg8th International Go Tournament of Strasbourg
Mit Karlsruher Spielern
Tournoi International de Jeu de Go de Strasbourg/. Internationales Go-Turnier StraßburgThe 7th International Go Tournament of Strasbourg will take place at the College St-Etienne on 21 and 22 March. This unusual modification of the date is linked to the schedule of the Grand Slam 2015 qualifications.2015-03-21T10:00:00Strasbourg/2015-03

See also


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